Has Joomla 4 matured?

I started to come into contact with Joomla from Joomla 1.5. Compared with now, Joomla at that time looked a bit crude. I have built many websites using Joomla 3, mainly B2B websites for my company. For example, our company is a lashes vendor, so I use Joomla built a B2B website to sell eyelashes. Everything I did at the beginning has been offline. I encountered a lot of problems during use, and I found the answers and solved them through Google searches. Later, during the use, I came into contact with wordpress. Although I like Joomla very much, I have to say that using WordPress is more streamlined, and the resulting website is more beautiful and easier to use. However, compared to Joomla, it is not very easy for a WordPress website to achieve good SEO rankings.

So, if time permits, I prefer to use Joomla to make websites. Later, Joomla was upgraded to Joomla 4.0 version. The backend of Joomla4 looks more beautiful and beautiful, and it is also easier to use. But after some experience, I found that I often encountered bugs. And I didn’t understand the code very well and couldn’t find the answers to many questions, so I didn’t use Joomla 4 for the time being. This year, I feel that Joomla 4 has been launched a lot. After a long time, I shouldn’t encounter any big problems, so I used Joomla 4 to make a blog website. After being online for a while, I encountered a problem, that is, I could not upload pictures. Moreover, the folders in the website backend are also missing, and pictures cannot be uploaded. The pictures from the previously published article are still there. I searched on Google for a long time and couldn't find an answer. Later, I gave up on that website. Now, I wonder is Joomla 4 mature?